Saturday, August 01, 2009


Boulder Lake Camping Trip!

We finally decided to go for a family camping trip. We drove and drove and drove and some of the driving was on a bumpy dirt road. We got to the trailhead and hiked for a while (quarter of a mile) and we picked out a campsite near Boulder Lake. They call it Boulder Lake because, ummm, there are big rocks there.

All the camping stuff is so exciting! Putting up the tent, building a fire, fighting off buggies, cooking over a tiny stove, hanging food in trees, sleeping in a is hard to sleep! I couldn't fall asleep for a long while but, once I fell asleep, I was asleep. There was even a thunderstorm in the distance and the dogs freaked out and I slept through all the commotion. Mommy and Daddy said that I've never slept so well camping and they seemed very proud.

Of course with camping, we're up with the sun! We were all really tired the next day. It is good that we explored and swam in the lake the day we arrived. We had some oatmeal and headed home. Can't wait to do it again.

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