Monday, May 28, 2007


Are you going to Multnomah Fair?

The county fair, that is. Well, it is too late for you to go this year. Mommy said it isn't that much like a "real" county fair but we went and had a great time. I liked checking out the animals. I also got to ride on the carousel because the fair was at Oaks Park. That was the best part. I loved riding Ginger!

After that, we all napped and then we had a great BBQ at the Mautners! I forgot my camera so there's no evidence but I had a great time checking out KC's old beanie babies, visiting with "Gussie" and eating! Oh, I also played with a yoga ball and caused general chaos. Thanks, Mautners!!

Friday, May 25, 2007


How old am I?

Two. Couple. Older. Bigger. Big girl.

I guess if you don't like the answer, you shouldn't ask the question! I used to say that I was "two, couple" I like to say I'm "older" or "bigger" or, sometimes "big girl." Of course, it is all true.

I had a great day yesterday. Mommy and I went to a few fun places with the running stroller - I played at the toy store while Mommy picked up something and then we picked up cupcakes. After that, we ran to the park (playground) and played some before going home (for a quick "sec" as Mommy says) and then we went to see Maggie down the street! After my nap, it was time for pizza and cupcakes with some of my favorite people - Uncle Todd (Tah), John, Marjon and Mommy & Daddy. Oh, Scout and Tuxie too! Thanks, guys, for coming over - you made it a party. I looooove parties.

Everyone sang and then I blew out the candles - Daddy helped a lot the first time but I did it all on my own (instantly) the second time. Again, again, again!

I got some really great presents - I won't tell you about them all because I'd hate to make you feel jealous! Of course, I was wondering where my presents were today. Thankfully, Mommy forgot to give me a cute t-shirt I did have a little surprise. I hope tomorrow isn't a day without presents!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Someone told me its all happening at the zoo....

Today we met Miss Connie (she's a Mrs but she's still Miss Connie for some reason) at the zoo. Guess what? It was a zoo. There were sooooooo many kids.

We took Miss Connie to see my favorites - the cougars, bobcats, otters, fish and sea lions. Okay, I love the ducks and owls and other things too.

After that, we had a picnic. I love picnics! Miss Connie packed all sorts of treats but mostly I ate the capers. I've never had capers before but I love capers!!!! I call them capies.

After we ate, I danced with Connie. She showed me how to be a flower and I showed her my twirling. It was a great outing!

Monday, May 14, 2007


Freaking at the 'Site

We finally got to live one of my lifelong dreams: camping! Mommy set up a test tent in the backyard, and we practiced going in and out of it, and we talked about how you hike and camp all at the same time. I also confirmed that Daddy and Scout could come, too.

We drove to the (camp) site in the car (zzzzzz). And then we set up the tent! tent! tent! Mommy made me the best ham sandwich ever that was the size of my head. I wasn't about to share that.

There were kids running around everywhere. There was dirt. And trees. Whenever I heard a car, I took it very seriously: informed Mom or Dad matter-of-factly that I was "freaking," and ran over and hugged their leg.

It was nap time, but come on, could you nap in such an exciting tent? No, I couldn't either. So we went for a hike. It was fun (and that Scout sure is CRAZY! He sniffs everywhere), but I had trouble keeping my eyes open, so I napped through just a few unimportant moments.

One of the best thing about this site is that there is a park (playground) nearby. I ran down there with Mommy, Scout, and Daddy. Everyone else had to run, too. I had my 'running' shoes on (they also serve as my 'hiking' shoes -- ask me about them sometime). I kept telling Scout to go, 'faster!' Haha! When he did something crazy I made sure to tell Mommy: crazy! BTW, he also freaks.

We got back to the tent and it started to rain. I didn't mind -- I like the rain. We could have stayed outside. But Mommy and Daddy made us go inside. Which was OK, because we had books to read. Scout didn't want to come in, though. FYI, he is crazy. Finally, at sleepytime, Daddy dragged Scout into the tent out of the rain, but he spent the whole night shaking. I think he was worried about the many dangers out in the dark.

In the morning, everything was wet. There was mud. I identified it for everyone. It was sad to pack up the tent and the bags and drive away in the car. Scout was very tired and hungry. He kept trying to steal my crackers and rest his head on me. I said: dude, buddy, no! Wrong! I know all of his names.

When we got home we had a nice long nap, and I didn't want to wake up. Maybe I would have woken up sooner, though, if I had understood that we were going to Uncle "Tah's" for a Mother's Day/Todd Birthday/Nate Going Away to Alaska Party. I am sad to see Nate go, because he has a dog named Flash that likes to chase balls. Anyway, there were lots of girls at the party, so that was good. And sausage. Mmm, hot sausage from the deli. It is so nummy!

I hope your Mother's Day was as much fun as mine -- I expect even more fun stuff next weekend.

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