Monday, September 25, 2006


My new chair

I got a new chair - just the right size for me. I love it! I like to sit in it and read books by myself and sometimes I like to lounge and drink from my sippie cup. Why is Tuxie already stealing it?

I'm glad it isn't big enough for Scout.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Mommies and Daddies

Or is that Mommy's and Daddy's?

The day after my last post I decided to be nice to Mommy and to say Mummm mum mum mum mum when she was around. I saw pictures of her in Halloween costumes and said, "Mummm mum mum mum mum." That made her so happy that I like to say it a lot now. I even call her Mumm mum mum mum mum.

I still don't say it as much as I say "Daddys." These are some Daddys.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Weekend Update

It's that time of the year again -- time for the Brooklyn Neighborhood Ice Cream Social and Barking Octoberfest! Yesterday was the Octoberfest, They have sausages AND pets for adoption. I saw a cat and many, many dogs. It's right down the street from my house. There were also old German men playing polka music with an accordion. Scout came, too, but he was disappointed that we missed the sausage-eating contest for dogs.

But before that, we tried out our new bike trailer. I am reserving judgement on the trailer -- it is bumpy, and if you fall asleep, you rub against the wheels -- but I like our destinations. We went up to Belmont Stumptown, had some coffee and snacks, and saw a bit of the street fair. I'm the girl with the bunny helmet.

Today at the ice cream social there was a fire truck and balloons and animals from the zoo. I thought the zoo animals were a bit scary, but I did like all the dogs! I had sausage for lunch again. Don't worry, I ate like a pound of whole wheat penne for dinner and topped it off with some raspberries.

I've been working hard at my running and walking. Scout loooves it when I lead him around by his leash. I spun Dad around on the merry-go-round at Brooklyn Park the other day, and I like to push my stroller around. I've decided it's best if I pick out the books that Dad and I read each night. My new favorite is Daddy's Girl. I've also said Mmmum-mommy a few times. But only to Daddy when Mommy's not around.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Working Girl

Well, it's been busy around here. We've been doing lots of thing around the house: painting, ripping out carpet, replacing the roof, and putting in skylights. I helped with most of it. I especially like painting and anything that requires a screwdriver or a drill. I also help weed in the garden and work in the flower beds with my trowel.

Other than that, there's been a lot of walking, running, and dancing. Remember when I didn't even like tummy time and it looked like I would never learn to crawl? Ha! I am running now. I also have some funky dance moves.

I am practicing my talking, too. I understand more than you think, Mom and Dad! My favorite words start with B: baby, bear, bird, bye ... I can also make signs for most of those things, and I know that bees go bzzzz.

Another favorite word is 'da-da.' It has many meanings:

I'm getting good at shoulder shrugs, though I am not sure when to use them. I also can nod "yes" and "no" randomly. Occasionally, I'll wink at you. I also really good at high-fives!

I think baby-size basketballs and soccer balls are fun. I can throw them surprising distances, although my aim in nonexistent. Kicking is even better! Scout always wants to play, though, and he can be rough and tends to steal the ball and not give it back.

I am having a tough time sleeping these days (what else is new?). More teeth on the way! And I've had a cold. You know what is awful? When you wake up and don't feel good and you want to nurse, but you suffocate because your nose is stuffed. Not good! Why not just stay downstairs with Da-Da? I know that it's a lot more fun down there than up in the bedroom, but mean Mommy won't listen.

My social calendar has been busy. I went to Ryan and Megan's wedding reception (it was a small ceremony on top of Mount Hood. I did not attend. In fact, I was not even invited, even though I think I would have made a good flower girl -- I like dresses, flowers, snow, and I like to climb things.) Anyway, I saw some of my favorite people at the reception.

Mrs. Megan Weaver Marjon's Momma Mavash Beckham Witty's Daddy Brian

Here's the most exciting thing you can do at a bike race, though sometimes there are babies. Allo, bebe Etan!

After that silliness was over with, we got to go to a picnic in Washington Park with all the Walrods and Mariks and the newlyweds. There were five dogs and a soccer ball there. It was fun to run. I keep tripping and smashing my knees on the concrete -- they are all black and blue and scraped -- but it's not slowing me down!

I'm beginning to notice that there are people in Dad's computer. Here's what Grandma sees.

I got my first report card the other day. It's from Aquaducks, my swim class. The teacher said that it was a "blast" to have me in class. I learned how to blow bubbles. Sometimes it was fun, and sometimes not. I did get to go down the big scary water slide at the end.

One last bit of info: dogs with E-Collars are dangerous. It's like attaching a baby-sweeping club to Scout's head. Also, don't step on dog tails if you want to stay upright!

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