Sunday, February 15, 2009


Winter is Wonderful

I know, I know. I don't write that often! There's good reason! I'm busy, busy, busy enjoying life! Christmas was really great. How can I complain about a holiday that involves giving and getting presents and cookies! I also really loved having snow here in Portland. Last year, I was a bit hesitant to even walk on snow myself but now I'm ready to enjoy it however I can! I like to snow hike and go for snow runs and I've been trying out my (plastic) cross country skis. Of course, Mom and Dad (Dad, mostly) drag me around in sleds too! That's mostly good for napping. This year is also my first year of snow balls and snow angels. I didn't know what I was missing being hesitant! What fun!

I really like school still and lately I've been playing soccer during our outside time. I keep telling Mommy and Daddy about how I "tackled" someone. I think they're wondering how hard I did it. What can I say? I knocked my friend down (in her princess dress and shoes)....I guess that was kind of hard. I helped her up, though, and all was okay. I'm still trying to figure out how it is okay but the teachers said it was okay. I'll get it all figured out soon.

At school, my favorite "work" is painting, yoga, working with clay and making almond butter and jelly sandwiches. I've started to tell Mommy and Daddy about songs we sing at school and trying out bits at home. I'm also learning more letters and sounds and how to count better. I'm counting all the time now. Just counting stuffed animals, pieces of food or whatever else is around. I've also decided that it is good to help myself sometimes. I asked Mommy to put some food and bowls where I can reach them (but secure from dogs!). Daddy came home from a ride one day and I was making myself yogurt before Mommy managed to roll out of bed and downstairs! Mommy keeps the ice cream and other sweets out of my reach for good reason, I guess.

Check out my gallery for pictures that I take with my camera (Christmas present) and for pictures of me baking, in my mermaid outfit and checking out treats from Germany. I'll try to write soon. Hugs and Kisses!

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