Monday, January 28, 2008



We went to Mochitsuki with Aloha. It's a New Year's celebration for the Japanese community (and friends) in Portland. Some nice ladies made me cat ears and we saw taiko and we saw some hula and traditional Japanese dance. I even got to play a real taiko drum myself. I was really loud! The girls that were helping near the drums were really impressed. When I got home, I practiced some more on my hamper/garbage can/drum.

I was really looking forward to the show even though it was my nap time and I DID enjoy the show. I also fell asleep and slept right through the really loud Tanuki Taiko performance! Mommy says they were good but I was snoring (thankfully, they're so loud no one could hear me snore.)

I woke up during a storyteller's part of the show and blurted out (loudly), "That guy has a headband like Mommy and Wai Laina." Mommy and Daddy were embarrassed but they also laughed. I love doing stuff like that! I wonder what that story was about. Maybe I'll find out next year.

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