Sunday, August 26, 2007


Busy weekend

What a weekend! Mommy and I rode our bikes downtown (to the North Park Blocks) to watch Daddy do the Portland Twilight Criterium on Friday night. We cheered for Daddy, I trained Pop, we begged some friends for free pizza and we ran around in the grass. It was a pretty good night.

Then on Sunday, we went to TWO parties! We went to John and Marjon's housewarming party and we went to Greta's birthday party. Both parties were fun. Mavash and John got me a cool soft stuffed turtle - I love her! (So does Scout - Mom caught him using her as a pillow.) They also gave me a cool butterfly lampshade - now Mommy needs to find me a lamp to match. Hee hee. Megan and Ryan were there - they told us about their new dog Dora. She's a beagle. I can't wait to meet her. Of course, I keep wondering why we don't have two dogs too.

Greta's party was lots of fun too. There was a tiny tent to play in and all sorts of other stuff to play with including some horses. Greta is really good at sharing. She shared with me and the other kids that visited. She got a Hello Kitty karaoke machine and I got to sing with her. That was really great. Everyone was really impressed with my singing. Mommy says she nearly split a seam. I'm not sure what it means but I hope she didn't mess up a surprise sewing project.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Greta!!

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