Sunday, July 08, 2007


Cabin Fever

Did you know that Scout doesn't love fireworks? Well, he doesn't - he gets all worked up. So, Mommy and Daddy like to plan trips away from Portland when it is time for fireworks.

This year for the Fourth of July, we went up to a cabin near Trillium Lake. We stayed in a cabin called the Falls Creek A-Frame. It is right across the way from the cabin we go to in winter with Marjon and John and the Weavers.

We had a great time - we hiked the Lower Salmon River Trail, we swam in Trillium Lake, we a little hiked on Timberline Trail and saw many, many butterflies! We also walked near the cabin and indentified birds. I really like critters and birds. We saw an osprey catch a fish. Mommy says that's really special but I see so many cool things that I am getting used to it! I also like things like dragonflies and butterflies that let you get really close.

When we went swimming the first time, I showed Daddy all of my swimming tricks. He was really impressed with my bubbles and my kicking and my floating (yes, with help!). I was impressed with Daddy's splashing and Scout's otter-like swimming, jumping from rocks and general cuteness.

I really wanted to go out on a boat but I guess Mommy forgot to pack one.

Next year, we're going to go to a cabin for even longer around the Fourth of July. You're all invited! We're not sure if we're headed up near Mt. Hood or Bend. What do you think?

I think Grandpa & Grandma McCullough would love to do that with you! Now if we can just get some time off for Grandpa . . . long enough to drive the RV cross-country. Ha.
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