Sunday, November 19, 2006


Zoo Crew

Mommy and I went to the zoo again. I had a great time. My very favorite animals were the cougars (same as last time). They like to sleep really close to the window so I can see them. The last time a young female cougar named Chinook was the only one in the window but this time she had a friend. After I see them, I like to sign "cat" and "sleep" and "cat" and "sleep" again and again.

I also REALLY like the owl. I can say "owl" easily because it is one syllable but "cougar" is harder. I just say "cooo" or do my cat sign. Mom and Dad know the cat sign better than "coooo". I also got really excited when I saw a swinging monkey. When I tell Mom about that one, I say "sssssssss" and sign "monkey." When we visited the sea lions, I think it was their lunch time because they came out of the water and made LOUD noises. I can make the noise too!

I think our new bedrooms might be done for Thanksgiving. It's still kind of a mess but it all looks much better already!!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, happy early Thanksgiving everyone!!

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