Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Putting up walls

It's loud around here and I'm not the only one making noise.

Well, not just me and Scout and Tux like usual. My new friend, Paul, has been making all sorts of loud noises upstairs. All the furniture is rearranged and things are starting to look really different.

Momma and Dad say that I'm going to have my own room. That's pretty neat - I am wondering if I get to decorate it with my favorite things. Dogs, cats (especially cougars and cheetahs), birds (especially ducks, planes and owls), balls, bubbles, horses, frogs, monkeys, flowers and anything else I forgot. I will have a smaller room than Momma and Dad but I will have a bigger closet than them - maybe I can fill it with flowery dresses!! That would be so cool!

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