Sunday, November 26, 2006


Doctor, doctor, give me the news

I went to see Dr. Jim on Friday. The office is pretty neat. They have toys that we don't have at home and some fish. There are also babies and girls there - and I love that. One little girl played peek-a-boo with me and I had to tell Daddy about that again and again.

Anyway, Dr. Jim says I'm growing really well. I'm still really tall - a little more than 33 inches! I also weigh more than average but I'm not as heavy as I am tall. I'm about 25.5 pounds. (26 after pasta or pizza or burritos, haha). My head is 48.4 centimeters but I haven't learned the metric system yet so I don't know what that means.

Dr. Jim asked Mommy how many words I say and she had no idea. Mommy and Daddy started a list after my appointment. They didn't count my "special" words that I kind of make up but they counted names and they came up with 25. Of course, I say A LOT more than that but they just don't understand all of my words yet! That doesn't count all my signs which are really great for telling stories. I know lots of animal signs so I can tell Daddy what happened at the zoo.

Oh, did I mention they gave me shots again? Well, they did! Shots hurt! I cried. I forgave the nurse pretty quickly, though, and stopped crying like a brave girl. I turned down the cookie and took a pretzel. Mommy took me back to see my fish friends before we left.

I didn't feel very well all weekend...between the shots and my molars STILL coming in, I am feeling pretty icky. I still had fun times, though, like going to OMSI with Dad and blowing bubbles with Mom.

Okay, enough from me. Watch out for nurses with needles! Run!

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