Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I see toothy grins in my future

I know that I've been talking about my teeth a lot - that I'm working really hard to get them to come in. Well, finally, three are really coming through. I think I've got three more coming but Mom can only see tiny bits of two. Anyway, I asked Mom to take some photos so you can see that I haven't been fussing about nothing!

I know that you all know that I'm still a lot of fun when I'm not feeling well but I a fuss more when I'm done playing and I'm tired or when I'm trying to sleep at night. I like to keep busy so I don't have to think about my achey mouth. Anyway, at least I have something to show for it now!

Oh, two nights ago Mom and Dad finally noticed some of my walking efforts. Now I try to take a couple of steps on my own from one piece of furniture to another. I'm getting ready for longer walks though! I wrote about some of my exercises below but I also spend a lot of time standing and just barely holding onto something. Yesterday, I was standing in the yard holding onto a big rock and I waved to our neighbor. I didn't even notice that I wasn't holding on. Hah! Mom noticed, though, and scurried closer to "spot" me. I didn't think that was necessary - there were a lot of rocks and bricks to break my fall but she can be that way.

I also LOVE to play outside now. I will fuss and fuss and fuss until I get to go out. I HATE it if Scout goes outside without me. I'll try to write more about my outside adventures but I should be napping!

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