Friday, May 30, 2008
Being Brave
So, sometimes I am really brave for other people and not so brave for Mommy. Sometimes I am brave for Daddy - sometimes I'm not. But, with Mommy, most of the time I act scared.
This mostly applies to the playground. With other people, I go up and down the slide all by myself. I did this a lot with Grandma and Grandpa in Cazenovia. Anyway, Mommy and I went to the playground today and I went up and down the slides like I was never afraid. I went down by myself, I went down head first (penguin-style), and I went down lying down on my back. Mommy's not sure what to make of it but she's not complaining.
Mommy note here: Clara goes down head first at a VERY modest speed. Don't worry!
Labels: brave, playground, slides
Hiking is good
The day after my birthday, I went hiking with Mommy, Daddy and Scout up on Route 35 near Mt Hood on a hike to Tamanawas Falls. It was a lot of fun. Daddy carried me a lot of the way but I also did some hiking on my own. I kept saying "This is a good hike." That made Mommy and Daddy laugh, I don't know why. Scout liked the hike too.
I also went hiking with Connie up in Forest Park. It was pretty muddy! I didn't want to walk in the mud but I walked on the edges and Mommy gave me a ride for some of the time too. Scout and I were really excited to hang out with Connie. We even had fun when we were just playing in the grass field near the parking lot.
Labels: Connie, Forest Park, Hiking, Tamanawas Falls
Happy #3 to me!
I had a really great birthday. Some of my friends came over with their parents and we had pizza and mini-cupcakes and everyone played with my toys. Thanks, everyone, for making it a fun day!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Central Park
Grandma in Central Park around 1945. Me in Central Park in 2008.
We didn't know where the eagles were but we stumbled on them so we snapped a quick photo!
Labels: Central Park, eagle, Grandma
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Balto and more!
When we were away, we also took a small side trip to New York City and we went to see the statue of Balto! It was a surprise and I was really excited. I have been asking a lot when I would get to visit Balto. If you don't know about Balto, you should - he's a famous sled dog. I love to read about him and Togo.
It was also fun to take the train, visit the Central Park Zoo (that's the one in one of my favorite Paul Simon songs), visit with Uncle Matt, play on the playground there and to dance with a jazz band playing in the park. The band leader even asked everyone to clap for me! Oh, and best of all, I got to eat a big pretzel and a hot dog from a cart there too.
No, really, Balto was best. The rest is second best.
Labels: Balto, Central Park, statue, train, zoo
Visiting Grandma & Grandpa Myers
After we visited in New York, we drove down to Connecticut to see Grandma & Grandpa Myers (they're Mommy's parents). Anyway, Mommy and Daddy told me the last time we did this drive it was in a terrible thunderstorm. We were all pretty excited that the weather was nice and that we manage to avoid the worst of rush hour traffic into Fairfield.
Anyway, I had a great time in Fairfield too. I found all sorts of dress up stuff around Grandma's house, we went to a playground by the beach and we played with cousins and neighborhood girls. We also had an early birthday party for me which was really cool! The mini-cupcakes ended up not being mini so there were plenty of leftovers. I also probably got a bit more than I would have. I don't think that half a big cupcake is as small as a mini-cupcake. Hee-hee. Lucky me!
Uncle Brian and Cousin Nick came down from Vermont for the day and that was a special treat. We're really sorry that Aunt Lisa, Cousin Mike and little canine Cousin Dottie didn't come too. I think Dottie would be a lot of fun! Roo the kitty would be good too but I don't want to subject a cat to a car trip.
Grandma & Grandpa also have a bunny or two in their yard (we saw one one the trail at Grandma & Grandpa McCullough's too). Anyway, there was one that I kept chasing - he'd run away but then he'd come back and then I'd chase him and he'd run away and then he'd come back and.... Anyway, that kept us all giggling.
By the end of our trip, though, I was really really tired from all the excitement so I was glad when it was time to head home.
Labels: Cousin Nick, Fairfield, Grace, Grandma, Grandpa, Myers, Sam, Uncle Brian
Visiting the Willsons
While we were in upstate New York, we met up with a bunch of Willsons. We saw Grandpa Paul, Great Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt Sony & Uncle Dave, Uncle Jim & Aunt Mandy, Uncle Mike, Uncle Doug and some cousins too! Did I forget anyone? We went up to the farm that Uncle Jim works on and I got to see lots and lots of cows. My favorite parts, though, were the tiny kitty we met (and her mama) , Lambeau (Lambo?) and a bunch of young calves including one that was about an hour old! That's really young!
At Uncle Jim's house, we had lots of yummy food like hot dogs and olives. I got to meet Daddy's aunts and uncles and hang out with them. It was fun because I never met them before. I also got to play with Cousin Annabella and her toys. It was really fun. She was really good at sharing. We also had an early birthday party and both of us got presents! It was a big surprise. Too bad I didn't get that farm kitty to take home too! Hee-hee-hee.
Labels: Annabella, calves, cows, farm, Grandpa, Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, kitty, Paul, Uncle Jim, Willsons
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Visiting Grandma & Grandpa McCullough
The first day of our trip we flew to Grandma and Grandpa McCullough's house in Cazenovia. Actually, we landed in Syracuse (really late!) and drove to Cazenovia. (A side note here - I was a REALLY good girl on the plane.) I fell asleep in the car and then woke up as Mommy tried to put me in bed. Uh-oh.
Anyway, I had a great time visiting. They have great playgrounds and I went to the one up on the hill behind their house again and again and again. I loved it. I went on the slides over and over again unless Mommy or Daddy was there and then I acted scared.
We also took a great canoe ride in the lake and then Grandpa showed me how to fish in the creek by his house. We had a nice Mother's Day dinner with Great Grandma Kate. I'm still talking about her! She's very interesting. When we left to go see Grandma and Grandpa Myers, I wondered if Great Grandma Kate would be there.
Uncle Jeff lives in Cazenovia too so I got to see him again. He and I have a lot in common. We like to hang out and throw rocks. He's cool. I thought he was cool even before I discovered our common interests but now, well, he's super cool.
I also had a great time playing with Grandma's dollhouse and other cool things Grandma has around the house - cat picture frames, cat pillows, yoga ball, mini-tramp, playdough, old games, books, fancy quilts - you name it! I'm hoping we'll go back really soon.
Labels: Cazenovia, Grandma, Grandpa, Kate, McCullough, Uncle Jeff
Very Busy
I've been so busy that I haven't had time to post. So sorry! I took a trip on an airplane to see a lot of grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles. I did so much I can't write about it in one post so I'm going to write a few posts to catch you up.
Labels: Cazenovia, Fairfield, grandparents, trip